Thursday, October 30, 2008

Third Couch

I've moved on to another friend's couch. Friend number three is not charging me but I can't stay long. What to do? My parents want me to come home. I would be fed, live rent free and enjoy my parent's company. However they live in the country and I would not have access to a car. I could ride with my parents in the morning but with their work schedules, I only job I could probably find is something in stingy hospitality. Screw that. I've paid my 6 year dues to the hospitality world. I'm not yet that desperate.

I have the money to rent a new place but the trouble is finding one. I had found a great place with cool chicks and their cute little doggies but they neglected to tell their landlord about a new roomie. It ended up being a no go situation. I'm confident SOMETHING will turn up. Argh!

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All opinions contained herein are the exclusive property of Elizabeth Zarrouati, and in no way reflect the beliefs or attitudes of, but not limited to, the United States Government, the French Government, the Australian government, nor any government entity in the U.S., France, Australia or anywhere else in the world where I happen to be. All writing and original images on I Endorse Bread and Typos ©2008 of I Endorse Bread and Typos unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.