Saturday, December 13, 2008

On Anti-Americanism, Politics, and Being in DC

Ok, no one likes Bush. The U.S. has gotten the memo. During my last year in France I stopped being American after receiving constant bashing at bars, dinner parties and the classroom. I started telling people I was from Finland. Don't get me wrong, I like my country. The U.S. has some good things going for it. I mean the sheer diversity and liberty in the states is hard to beat (and yes, in many many ways I think France is MORE conservative than the U.S. - but that's another soapbox for another day). BUT after being the blunt of countless jokes and enduring mindless questions/comment (e.g. But you cannot be American - you are not fat! Do you eat McDonalds every day? Do you love Bush and want to make his babies? I liked you but I don't think I can associate with an imperialist pig), I decided it would be much easier to be from somewhere else. People believed me. I didn't encounter a single person who spoke Finnish - although I wish I had, I could have learned a thing or two.

Anyway, so there's no escaping American politics in Washington. I mean, Washington IS American politics. I couldn't be more dissatisfied with a place. Every person you meet wants to know your political affiliation (I'm independent, thanks), your alma mater (Penn State) and, of course, your opinion on Obama (I voted for him, but my vote as absentee thus didn't count...). When people ask these questions, I can't pull out the old "I'm a foreigner" trick anymore. I have to have an opinion for the masses. My problem is that unless you've earned my respect, I don't feel like debating with you; because friendly chats over drinks usually turn into debates. I digress.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Goodbye Paris

Paris was lovely, comme d'hab. Everything about the city makes you either want to puke or do a song/dance routine. I love Paris even though she's usually cold, wet and gray (Sunny Paris only exists in the movies). My Parisian friends are some of the best in the world. The food is oh so yummy. The parks, the boulevards, the shops, the formalities and kisses, the bomb sirens on the first wednesday of every month - yep, that's my city.

Goodbye Paris! I'm looking forward to NOT stepping in Merde any time soon. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Artichoke Heaven

There ARE artichokes in Australia. At least that's what the internet says!!! Now all I need to do is find evidence of plantains...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


While I might not have medical insurance, I am eating well. :)

Paris = great, cheap, fresh food.

Tonight's menu:
-Atlantic cod with a creme fraiche curry sauce
-Steamed artichokes
-Mashed potatos with spinach and shallots
-Tomme Noir with strawberry/abricot jam
-Fresh Baguette
-Eggplant caviar
-Tangy yogurt
-Three types of red wine - I'm sure they were under 4euros a piece.

Umm, fed 4 people for under 25euros. Nice. ...Although the company would have been worth any price.

Silly Me

I thought that since STI/HIV testing was totally free in France, there should be similar services in the States too. Silly silly me. Cervical cancer... yeah, can't get a cheap check-up for that either. Oww, and not having health insurance bites. I probably should have planned two weeks in Paris to get medical stuff done mais c'est la vie. Medical tourism takes time.

One would think that as one of the most advanced countries out there, we would have great testing services. But because everything is based on money, people get screwed. Ok, yes, we have Planned Parenthood - but still.

Why are American health care costs so high??? I talked to this attorney recently. He mentioned that changing the legal structure in the states (especially medical lawsuits) would probably drastically reduce costs. Doctors can't afford to be cheap b/c they have to be swaddled in malpractice insurance up to their eyeballs.

Doctor you didn't tell me eating 2 bags of peanut butter cups everyday would make me fat. Now I'm fat. Now I have diabetes! Doctor, I'm gonna sue you for 3 million! Oh you wanna settle out of court to keep your name outta the paper? Ok, fine. I'll take 5 million! YAY!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Paris Today

Paris is. It breathes. It shurgs. It lives. I'm glad I came. I'm ready. I think I'm ready. I want to see the southern hemisphere. To see New Zealand. Australia. The rest of the world. Paris will always have my heart. Feels like home. I was so sick of it when I left. And sad. Conflicted. I'm so calm now. Excited. I have good friends here. (yes this IS a shout out to MR and Jose and Mira) They will be missed. They're in my heart of hearts.

I'm ready to be with a man I truly care about. Ready for kangaroo steak and trying to understand Australian; I'm told Australians don't really speak English. I'm so ready to put my arms around my kiwi. Probably not going to be smooth sailing but I'm ready to give the country and our coupleship a good go.

On other news, I had chocolate fondue tonight. OMG!!!


All opinions contained herein are the exclusive property of Elizabeth Zarrouati, and in no way reflect the beliefs or attitudes of, but not limited to, the United States Government, the French Government, the Australian government, nor any government entity in the U.S., France, Australia or anywhere else in the world where I happen to be. All writing and original images on I Endorse Bread and Typos ©2008 of I Endorse Bread and Typos unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.