Monday, December 8, 2008

Goodbye Paris

Paris was lovely, comme d'hab. Everything about the city makes you either want to puke or do a song/dance routine. I love Paris even though she's usually cold, wet and gray (Sunny Paris only exists in the movies). My Parisian friends are some of the best in the world. The food is oh so yummy. The parks, the boulevards, the shops, the formalities and kisses, the bomb sirens on the first wednesday of every month - yep, that's my city.

Goodbye Paris! I'm looking forward to NOT stepping in Merde any time soon. :)

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All opinions contained herein are the exclusive property of Elizabeth Zarrouati, and in no way reflect the beliefs or attitudes of, but not limited to, the United States Government, the French Government, the Australian government, nor any government entity in the U.S., France, Australia or anywhere else in the world where I happen to be. All writing and original images on I Endorse Bread and Typos ©2008 of I Endorse Bread and Typos unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.