Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ambiguous Couple

Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand. I'm not particularly good at standing up for myself. Great at telling others they need to be firm but am horrible in the self-execution department.

I truly care about Sam. He's a unique individual with a most intelligent, caring soul but sometimes he's merely talk. For all his talk of apologies, desires and dreams, I have no proof that he actually means any of it. The wise book says that you "will know them by their actions and their fruit." Our relationship has been as potential roommates, casual friends, casual fling getters, involved lovers, and now the ambiguous couple. I'm tired of playing games. I'm moving to OZ in less than two months. He says he's excited. He says he's trying to find a place for us to live should I decide to live with him. He says he cares. I have never demanded anything from him. This has been my mistake and my downfall. A woman who demands little gets little in return. So I demanded. I want a title. I want to be his girlfriend. After a year, he should know if he wants to be with me. I'm tired of being in the background. I'm tired of being second rate. I'm tired of being the constant bitch to whom he can come for comfort and fun before going off on another conquest. I am worth more than that. Not to sound tacky, but I am valuable and my price should be high.

I told him that either I arrive in OZ as his girlfriend or as a friend. There will be no in between. I will act according to his decision. He said he'll "think about it." All right lover. It sounds like you've made your choice. We've had a rollercoaster ride of a journey together. It has been fun and horrible and memorable. I will always love you but I'm moving on. I will arrive in OZ as your friend, nothing more.

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All opinions contained herein are the exclusive property of Elizabeth Zarrouati, and in no way reflect the beliefs or attitudes of, but not limited to, the United States Government, the French Government, the Australian government, nor any government entity in the U.S., France, Australia or anywhere else in the world where I happen to be. All writing and original images on I Endorse Bread and Typos ©2008 of I Endorse Bread and Typos unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.