Thursday, November 20, 2008


Today was a major freakout day. There are 38 days until I leave for Australia and 9 days until I leave for Paris. I have no freaking idea what I'm doing. I'm beginning to think I'm crazy.

I could conceivably just stay in Paris. It couldn't be too hard. I would try to crash with people until I got on my feet. Healthcare is affordable and yeah, life would be goodish... except when I consider those student loans!!! Mofos. Anyway, so Paris really isn't a valid option at this point. So it's either stay in Washington or continue to Canberra. I vote Canberra.

Sure Sam could drop me like a stinky skunk - in which case I'd be penniless, homeless and thousands of miles away from any support network that might take me in - but I'm optimistic that he won't. Call me naive, but aside from not commiting thing, he's a good man. Sigh.

1 comment:

K.Pete said...

I started to freak out a bit right before I moved to AUS as well - and I had everything planned, scheduled and taken care of! It will all work out! Good luck! The next few weeks will probably become more difficult but once you get to Australia for the gorgeous summer it will feel better. :)


All opinions contained herein are the exclusive property of Elizabeth Zarrouati, and in no way reflect the beliefs or attitudes of, but not limited to, the United States Government, the French Government, the Australian government, nor any government entity in the U.S., France, Australia or anywhere else in the world where I happen to be. All writing and original images on I Endorse Bread and Typos ©2008 of I Endorse Bread and Typos unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.